Letters of Recommendation: Q&A

When you’re applying to colleges, you’ll be asked to provide official documents, such as your high school transcript (a listing of your classes and grades) and SAT or ACT scores (if required).

You might also be asked for letters of recommendation – and you may be wondering what those are and why you need them. Well, we’re here to tell you everything you need to know!

What is a letter of recommendation?

A letter of recommendation describes who you are as a student, and can include your academic achievements, your efforts in the classroom, and your activities outside of school, just to name a few topics.

Most colleges ask you to submit two to three letters from someone (usually a teacher) who knows you well. That way, they can get a sense of who you are — beyond your test scores and grades — and how well you’ll do in college.

Who should you ask for a recommendation?

First things first, you’ll need to check the requirements for each college to which you’re applying. Some colleges may ask for a letter from an academic teacher (for example, math or English) or from a school counselor, or sometimes both. You may also be asked to submit a letter from someone other than a teacher (for example, a coach or employer).

Once you know these requirements, you’ll want to ask someone who can talk about the qualities that makes you, you— and makes you a good choice for the colleges to which you’re applying.

The person you ask (also known as your reference) should be able to talk about how you’ve excelled, where you’ve shown improvement, and/or what make you stand out. So, when deciding, think about the following:

When should you ask for a recommendation?

The sooner, the better!

First, you’ll need to know when your college applications are due. You should give your reference(s) at least one month to write and submit your letter(s). For instance, if you’re applying early action or early decision (with November – December deadlines), then you should ask for your letter at the beginning of your senior year (if not before!).

Keep in mind, teachers are often asked to write dozens of these letters, so the more time you give them, the better your letter will likely be. In fact, we’d recommend deciding who you’d ask during your junior year — and then asking them before the start of summer vacation. (Summer is great time for teachers to write these letters!)

How can you help with your recommendation?

You want the best possible letters of recommendation — after all, they’re an important part of your college applications — so here’s what you can do to help your references:

Read more about letters of recommendation at BigFuture by the College Board.