Ona nursing collective agreement

Your Contracts & Rights Bargaining Updates

At the heart of any union is the core business of representing its members at the bargaining table.

In this section, you will find information about ONA member collective agreements and provincial bargaining updates for hospitals, nursing homes and the Victorian Order of Nurses (VON). You can find your Local collective agreement on our Find Your Contract page.

Hospital Bargaining Updates


April 17, 2024

Hospital members – Help us set demands for bargaining!

A recording from the demand setting meetings is available in the Access ONA Resource Centre. You must be logged in to Access ONA to view the recording.

2025 Hospital Provincial Negotiating Team (HPNT)

Elections for the 2025 Nursing Homes Provincial Negotiating Team have ended. We congratulate the successful candidates, as well as all the other candidates for their interest and involvement in this election.

Hospital Decision 2023

Arbitrator Kaplan has released his decision for the 2023 hospital sector bargaining that affects about 60,000 ONA hospital members. Arbitrator Kaplan’s decision is a two-year contract that spans from April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2025.

ONA Arbitration Brief and Reply – Hospital Central Bargaining May 2-3, 2023

Bill 124 Reopener Information

Hospital Sector Meeting Documents (Bill 124 Reopener) – April 27, 2023

Hospital Sector Meeting Documents (Bill 124 Reopener) – April 4, 2023

Nursing Homes Bargaining Updates

2024 Nursing Homes Decision

Arbitrator Sheri Price has released her decision for the 2024 nursing homes sector bargaining. Arbitrator Price’s decision is a two-year contract that spans from July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2026.

ONA Mediation-Arbitration Brief – Nursing Homes Provincial Bargaining May 1-2, 2024

Registered Nurses (RNs) and health-care professionals represented by the Ontario Nurses’ Association participated in conciliation with 208 participating nursing homes on April 30, 2024, to negotiate a new collective agreement covering the period of July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2026. The parties were largely unsuccessful in resolving the matters in dispute between them.

Mediation-arbitration was held on May 1-2, 2024, before Arbitrator Sheri Price.

ONA prioritized the issues important to its members: compensation and staffing ratios. The central theme of ONA’s year-long campaign is: “Care, Not Profit.” The issues presented at arbitration were discussed, debated and ultimately voted on by the membership and are responsive to the crisis in Long-Term Care.

Find a copy of the Union’s brief in the Access ONA Resource Centre. You must be logged in to view it.

ONA awaits Arbitrator Price’s decision, expected within 30 days from the date of the hearing.