If I have an existing installment plan with the IRS from a previous year will this years owed taxes automatically be added to that payment plan?

In a November 2021 brief released by the IRS they state "The IRS will automatically add certain new tax balances to existing Installment Agreements, for individual and out of business taxpayers. This taxpayer-friendly approach will occur instead of defaulting the agreement, which can complicate matters for those trying to pay their taxes." There is no clarification on what these "certain new tax balances" are.

‎February 10, 2022 4:23 AM last updated ‎February 10, 2022 4:23 AM Connect with an expert

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If I have an existing installment plan with the IRS from a previous year will this years owed taxes automatically be added to that payment plan?

The current year form 1040 balance due certainly qualifies. But I would expect the IRS to send you out some kind of notice (could take more than 6 weeks to do so) since you agreed when you got on the payment plan that you would not get behind again . doing so used to void the old payment plan. Read up here : https://www.irs.gov/taxtopics/tc202

‎February 10, 2022 4:45 AM

If I have an existing installment plan with the IRS from a previous year will this years owed taxes automatically be added to that payment plan?

I found where you found the original info . that was part of the covid relief efforts . you would need to ask the IRS directly what this statement actually means : https://www.irs.gov/newsroom/irs-makes-it-easier-to-set-up-payment-agreements-offers-other-relief-to.

‎February 10, 2022 4:55 AM New Member

If I have an existing installment plan with the IRS from a previous year will this years owed taxes automatically be added to that payment plan?

Thanks for your response. In the brief it states "Following up on our People First Initiative earlier this year, this next phase of our efforts will help with further taxpayer relief efforts." This led me to believe that these actions were next steps beyond the People First Initiative which ended in July 2020. Regardless, it doesn't seem that there has been any official clarification on this point which means I'm, unfortunately, going to need to call them directly.

‎February 10, 2022 5:04 AM

If I have an existing installment plan with the IRS from a previous year will this years owed taxes automatically be added to that payment plan?

Did anyone get clarification on this. I am in the same boat. I have an existing payment plan (from 2017) and will need to add taxes due for 2021 to it.

Will this be automatic as the following statement seems to imply?

Has anyone called the IRS and gotten a clear answer?

‎March 31, 2022 10:32 AM Expert Alumni

If I have an existing installment plan with the IRS from a previous year will this years owed taxes automatically be added to that payment plan?

No, the IRS generally does not automatically add additional years to your tax payment plan. You must do the request for payment plan which will then be added to your old payment plan. Basically, your old payment plan will increase, but you must make the request to add any new tax years to the plan.

Now, if you were doing the payment plan this year and had past due taxes from past years, they would automatically include all the years that were currently showing a balance.

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