Medicaid eligibility and enrollment in Arizona

Arizona Medicaid

The Medicaid program in Arizona is called the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS, which is pronounced “access”). AHCCCS is available to:

Note that the limits above include a built-in 5% income disregard that’s added to income for MAGI-based Medicaid eligibility (ie, eligibility for children and most adults under 65, but not for those who are elderly or disabled). Also note that Arizona switched to the 2023 FPL numbers on February 1, which was a month or two ahead of many other states (most states implement the updated numbers in March or April).

To check if you qualify for AHCCCS, you can use the Quick Screener on the Health-e-Arizona Plus website. The site houses the online application for medical, food/nutrition, and cash assistance programs, and it connects with the federal health insurance marketplace, You can also see updated income limits for each AHCCCS program here.

Federal poverty level calculator

of Federal Poverty Level

Apply for Medicaid in Arizona

Apply online at; submit an Application for Benefits by mail (to P.O. Box 19009, Phoenix AZ 85005) or in person; or call 1-855-432-7587 for help applying, or search online for a community assister.

Eligibility: Children 0-1 with family income up to 147% of FPL; age 1-5 with income up to 141% of FPL; 6-18 with income up to 138% of FPL; pregnant women with family income up to 156% of FPL; parents with family income up to 138% of FPL; childless, non-elderly adults with family income up to 138% of FPL; elderly and disabled individuals who have special requirements and meet certain income limits.

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ACA’s Medicaid eligibility expansion in Arizona

Arizona accepted federal funding for Medicaid expansion under the leadership of former Governor Jan Brewer, a Republican. Largely as a result of Medicaid expansion, the state’s uninsured rate dropped from 17.1% in 2013 to 10% in 2016. It climbed over the next few years, reaching 11.3% in 2019, but that was in line with the nationwide increase in the uninsured rate under the Trump administration (from 8.6% in 2016 to 9.2% in 2019). And it had dropped slightly, to 10.7%, by 2021.

As of October 2017, there were 398,519 people enrolled in expanded Medicaid in Arizona, according to the state’s waiver proposal requesting additional eligibility rules (details below; the waiver proposal was approved in January 2019). Arizona’s Medicaid expansion enrollment grew significantly during the COVID pandemic (as was the case nationwide), and 613,163 Arizona residents were enrolled in Medicaid expansion coverage as of September 2023 (this includes 530,316 with income below the poverty level, plus 82,847 with income between the poverty level and 138% of the poverty level). Total Medicaid expansion enrollment in Arizona is down from nearly 700,000 before post-pandemic disenrollments resumed in April).

Arizona has accepted federal Medicaid expansion. 2,025,230 – Number of Arizonans covered by Medicaid/CHIP as of May 2024. 823,460 – Increase in the number of Arizonans covered by Medicaid/CHIP from late 2013 to May 2024. 620,071 – Number of AZ residents disenrolled from Medicaid as of March 2024. 69% – Increase in total Medicaid/CHIP enrollment in Arizona since late 2013.

Explore our other comprehensive guides to coverage in Arizona


This guide was created to help you better understand the Arizona Marketplace and pick the right health plan for you and your family. For many, an Affordable Care Act (ACA) Marketplace plan – also called an Obamacare plan – may be a good choice.



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Frequently asked questions about Arizona Medicaid eligibility and enrollment

Frequently asked questions about Arizona Medicaid eligibility and enrollment

How do I enroll in Medicaid in Arizona?

The quickest way to apply for AHCCCS is online at This works for anyone eligible for AHCCCS, including those who are also eligible for Medicare and thus have both income and asset limits for eligibility.

You can also call 1(855)-HEA-PLUS (1-855-432-7587), between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday to Friday. (The phone number for AZ Relay Service for the hearing impaired is 1-800-842-6520)

If you are 65+, blind, or disabled, you have the option to print an Application for Benefits form, complete it, and mail it to:

AHCCCS Medical Assistance Specialty Programs (MA-SP)
801 E Jefferson St
Phoenix AZ 85034

How does Medicaid provide financial assistance to Medicare beneficiaries in Arizona?

Many Medicare beneficiaries receive help through Medicaid with paying for Medicare’s premiums, programs that lower prescription drug costs, and services Medicare doesn’t cover — such as long-term care.

Our guide to financial assistance for Arizona Medicare enrollees explains these benefits, including Medicare Savings Programs, long-term care benefits, Extra Help, and eligibility guidelines for assistance.

How is Arizona handling Medicaid post-pandemic Medicaid renewals?

Medicaid disenrollments were paused nationwide from March 2020 through March 2023, due to the COVID pandemic. But that’s no longer the case, and states are now disenrolling people who are no longer eligible for Medicaid. States have a 12-month “unwinding” period to redetermine eligibility for everyone enrolled in Medicaid and disenroll those who aren’t eligible or who fail to respond to renewal notices.

Arizona began the eligibility redetermination process in February 2023, allowing disenrollments (related to the first round of renewals that were processed) to resume on April 1, 2023 (most states waited until March or April to begin the process, and thus had their initial disenrollments later in 2023). AHCCCS data indicate that enrollment dropped by more than 289,000 people between April and August 2023, and total enrollment was under 2.3 million people by September. However, more than 800,000 enrollees’ coverage had been renewed between April and August, as they still met the eligibility guidelines (and completed renewal paperwork as necessary).

Arizona Medicaid (AHCCCS, or Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System) had roughly 500,000 enrollees who had either not responded to renewal notices during the pandemic, or who were likely “factually ineligible,” which means that Arizona Medicaid had received information indicating that the person was no longer eligible (for example, due to aging out of an age-based eligibility category, or an income increase). These people were not disenrolled during the pandemic, due to the federal rules, but they are being disenrolled now.

Arizona’s Medicaid website includes an overview of the state’s process of returning to regular renewals and disenrollments. The state continued to process renewals as possible during the pandemic (ie, automatically, or if the enrollee responded to the renewal notices that the state continued to send out), thus minimizing backlog.

But for the 500,000 people who were enrolled under the COVID-related continuous coverage rules (ie, the state either knew they were no longer eligible, or hadn’t received information verifying that they were eligible), eligibility redeterminations are necessary, with ineligible people being disenrolled as of their renewal date.

Arizona has been working through those 500,000 enrollees by prioritizing people who were factually ineligible and then working on renewals for people who did not respond to the state’s requests for renewal information during the continuous coverage period. For both groups, the state began with the files that had been held open the longest, and worked forward to more recent cases (this is the “hybrid” option that CMS detailed in its summary of how states could address the unwinding of the Medicaid continuous coverage requirement).

Arizona has also enacted legislation that requires the state to complete eligibility redeterminations for this population by December 31, 2023. This applies to people who are factually ineligible based on information the state has on file, or whose eligibility has not been redetermined since December 2022. Under federal rules, they have a full 12 months to initiate eligibility redeterminations for the entire AHCCCS population (plus two additional months to complete the process), but the state’s new law ensures that people who are factually ineligible or whose cases have been pended since 2022 or earlier will have their eligibility redetermined earlier in the unwinding process.

The legislation does still allow Arizona to comply with the federal recommendation that states process renewals for no more than one-ninth of their Medicaid population each month during the unwinding period. Arkansas is using a somewhat similar approach, and so is Oklahoma.

It’s noteworthy that Arizona has said that they’re able to process roughly three-quarters of renewals automatically, without the enrollee having to provide any additional information. This is significantly higher than the automatic (ex parte) renewal rate in most states. Arizona is also among the minority of states that were in compliance with federal rules that require eligibility determinations to be conducted on an individual (rather than household) level. This ensures, for example, that children who qualify for automatic renewal don’t get disenrolled just because their parents are no longer eligible or failed to respond to a renewal packet.

Legislation impacting Arizona Medicaid

Legislation impacting Arizona Medicaid

Arizona lawmakers have pushed for changes to Medicaid eligibility and benefits since 2015

In the 2015 legislative session, Arizona lawmakers passed Senate Bill 1092, which made an effort to dial back the state’s expansion of Medicaid. SB1092 requires the state to submit an 1115 waiver request to CMS every year, asking for approval for new Medicaid eligibility guidelines.

(H.B.2228, which was enacted in 2018, calls for the exemption of Native Americans from any new Medicaid eligibility rules that are implemented as a result of Arizona’s waiver process; the Trump administration’s approval of Arizona’s Medicaid waiver in 2019 includes an exemption from the new rules for Native Americans, but only if they’re enrolled citizens of their tribes.)

Lawmakers wanted the new eligibility rules to include a five-year limit on Medicaid coverage for able-bodied adults, along with a provision requiring enrollees to be working or involved in job training or school. In August 2015, Governor Doug Ducey unveiled his proposals for Arizona’s first Medicaid waiver proposal, including a work requirement and the five-year lifetime limit on Medicaid coverage for able-bodied adults.

The idea was that Medicaid would remain a solid safety net for children and disabled adults, but that it would become a more temporary program for able-bodied adults. Ducey’s waiver proposal also included a requirement that enrollees pay increased premiums and cost-sharing and establish health savings accounts, and participate in various wellness programs like flu shots and glucose screening.

Many advocates for low-income Arizona residents were worried that Ducey’s proposal would be a setback, chipping away at the hard-won gains the state has made in reducing the uninsured rate.

Obama administration approved Arizona’s new Medicaid waiver, but with several provisions removed

The state continued to work with CMS to come to an agreement on a new waiver, and Arizona published a revised version of their proposed Medicaid modernization waiver in July 2016. CMS approved Arizona’s waiver proposal, but eliminated the most conservative aspects of it. The new waiver runs through September 2022 (including a one-year extension so that CMS and Arizona could continue negotiations over a longer-term extension), and includes the following provisions:

The Obama administration CMS declined several provisions of the original waiver proposal, including the five-year limit on AHCCCS benefits for able-bodied adults, and the work/job search requirement — it was changed to a program in which beneficiaries are automatically enrolled, but AHCCCS benefits are not eliminated for those who don’t actively participate.

CMS also refused to allow Arizona to charge premiums for beneficiaries with income under the poverty level, lock people out of re-enrolling in Medicaid for six months if they don’t pay their premium contributions to the health savings account, or charge fees for missed medical appointments.

All of the details about Arizona’s 1115 waiver proposal and the response from CMS are available here.

Trump administration approved Arizona’s work requirement proposal with a 2020 effective date; Arizona indefinitely postponed implementation amid legal uncertainty, and the Biden administration withdrew approval in 2021

The Trump administration clarified in early 2018 that they were open to work requirements, and approved them for several states. In late 2017, Arizona submitted their AHCCCS Works waiver proposal as an amendment to the already-approved waiver the Obama administration had granted in 2016 (an additional amendment, submitted in April 2018, proposed eliminating retroactive coverage).

The proposal was partially approved in January 2019, allowing Arizona to implement the following changes: